rose book

Today’s blog hop topic is from Jeanne McDonald – three “simple” questions!

1. Describe that moment you first felt like a true author (not just an aspiring one).

My first meeting at VFRW, a moment in time when I’d finished my first full manuscript and was full of questions and anticipation. The manuscript, by the way, was horrible, but that is a story for another blog post. I sat next to Terri Brisbin. She asked what I wrote, and I told her woman’s fiction (this was before I discovered the thrill of suspense). She was the first professional writer I had even spoken with about my work. She treated me as an equal and respected and understood my journey. The entire group at VFRW was fantastic and welcoming. At that point, I knew I was with the right people.


2. Name three authors who you inspire you.

Cathy Maxwell. When reading her books, they have a rainbow of emotion, but leave you full of joy. Having met her a few times at writing conferences and retreats, I understand. She is full of joy and spreads that sense of peace and happiness to the people around her. She has been an inspiration to me. She has fantastic success, loves helping newer writers, and seems supportive to everyone in the writing community.

Betty Bolte. She has been working her way into this career for years. She doesn’t let set backs knock her out. Instead, she believes in herself and in her ability to write beautiful books. It’s been fantastic to watch her career blossom and know that it will go even further because she has the grit and talent to make it in this crazy industry.

James Patterson. He is unapologetic about making writing into a business. He has a talent for writing stories that grab the reader and keep them from beginning to end. Does he claim to be a brilliant author? No. He claims to understand what the public wants in a book. And he delivers.


3. Describe your favorite fan moment (either you as the fan or one of your readers approaching you as a fan).

At the book signing for the Romantic Times Convention in Dallas, a woman walked up and told me how much she loved the book “Untrue Colors.” Hearing praise from a complete stranger was a magical experience, but she made it even better when she asked if I could sign two books. One for her and one for her friend. Yep, best moment, so far, of my writing life.




Here is the list of authors on the blog hop today. is the next after me.




LOVExtra (Tracey)

Betty Bolte

Brenda Margriet

Veronica Forand

Raine Balkera

Leslie Hachtel

A.S. Fenichel (Andrea)

Gemma Brocato  (Heidi)

J.J. Devine

Victoria Barbour

Susan Scott Shelley!blog/c1cod

Dani Jace

Kate Robbins

Carrie Elks

Collette Cameron

10 thoughts on “Romance Writers’ Weekly: Inspiration

  1. You’re so sweet to include me in such stellar company, Veronica! Thanks! I guess, I just don’t know how to give up on a dream, one that has changed over the years to adapt to successes and setbacks.

    1. Thanks. I could probably include the RWW authors and my writing groups as well. Everyone is on their own journey and the commitment and dedication people invest in this insane career is amazing.

    1. It ranks up there with the woman in New Jersey who wanted “Flirting on Ice” signed by both of us and then demanded to know when Sequoia’s story was coming out! A very fun day.

  2. Veronica, I loved what you said about James Patterson. Writing is a business. You take this job to earn money, or fans, or acclaim. Sure, it’s a labor of love, but it is still a job. James Patterson absolutely understands that. Very nice.

  3. What wonderful answers! I agree about James Patterson – if you can make that many people happy and sell that many books then you’re done my something very right!

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