Fiona Riplee has provided our challenge for the week. “Write a Flash Fiction that’s 500 words or less with the following items: an empty parking lot, an abandoned SUV & a chihuahua sitting in the driver’s seat.”

If you’re coming from Brenda Margriet Welcome!


Parking lot

Tim didn’t have to take Carly to Camel Point, but he did.  She’d been throwing herself in his direction for two years. Maybe she’d put out for him. And after that fiasco with Desiree in the basement of his house, he needed a comeback.

He parked his car in the abandoned lot and pulled her close to his side. Her muscles tensed. A probable virgin.

“Are you cold?” he asked with as much concern in his voice as he could provide without laughing.

“A little.” She snuggled closer and pressed herself into his arms.

They kissed for what felt like forever, but never progressed past his attempt at putting a hand up her shirt. She swatted it away with reflexes a ninja could appreciate. Her rejection stung. She was nothing. Nobody. And she was alone in the car with him. Hell, she’d consented to come with him.

He gripped her tighter. His fingers digging into the cotton t-shirt he desperately wanted off her.

Something scratched the side of the SUV. A rodent. Tim looked out the door into the darkness and saw nothing but dark shadows of rocks and bushes.

“Maybe we should go home now.” Carly tried to move away from him.

“Not yet. I need you. All of you.” He held her close, yanking on her shirt now. He was getting something for his time, despite her prudish reactions.

The scratching returned. What the hell? This time he opened the door. As he leaned out, Carly kicked him in the back and sent him flying onto the asphalt. He yanked on her arm and dragged her out of the SUV with him. Damn, she was strong and wildly throwing punchs. One nailed him in the face. Bitch. He lifted his arm up to strike her, but a motorcycle roared onto the scene. Some jerk with an attitude and a black leather jacket.

“Get on, Carly. Now,” the asshole ordered her.

“Wait a minute. She’s with me.” Tim pulled her off balance. She fell into his arms.

From the look on her face, it was clear she wanted nothing to do with him. And yet he tried to keep her there anyway. Until a gun barrel tapped the side of his face.

No girl was worth being killed for. He let her go and backed away. She climbed on the bike and wrapped her arms around the stranger. The half-cocked smile on the idiot’s face boiled Tim’s temper, but before he kick the guy’s ass, the motorcycle revved up and then took off.

Standing alone in the deserted parking lot, he felt like a fool. The doors on the SUV clicked locked. What? He glanced inside the car. Ginger, his sister’s Chihuahua was sitting in the driver’s seat wagging her tail. He wiped the blood from his face, pulled out his phone, and called his sister. He tried to explain what happened, but she wasn’t having it. She arrived with a posse of four women in a Jeep. She hopped in the SUV and drove away without him. In the back window, the stupid dog seemed to laughing at him.

Head on over to Gemma Brocato for her take on the challenge!

3 thoughts on “Romance Writers’ Weekly: Flash Fiction

  1. Tim is a jerk and thankfully, Carly seemed capable of protecting herself. With a little help from her little friend. And good on Ginger for stranding the jerk. Nicely done.

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