
Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, goals remain out of reach even though you want them so bad and you try with all your might to grasp them in your hand. My habit for the past few weeks has been to focus on all that is wrong with my life in my journal. I complain and whine and declare how unfair life has been to me. Then I head out on my day and things become brighter. The sun is shining, my children are happy, and my circumstances are not nearly as bad as other people’s. In fact, it becomes almost embarrassing to have complained at all.

This week, I’m adding a twist to my journaling resolution. I have to start each journal page with a blessing, something in my life that provides me with joy. My goal is to leave the negative behind and find something positive in everything that affects me. If I can’t change something, I can lament that fact on the pages, but then I need to move on. If I can change something in my life to make it better, I can begin my plan right there. Ultimately, my happiness is my own to make and there are so many things around me that foster joy, I’ve just been overlooking them.

Until next week!

Resolutions so far.

  1. Journaling
  2. No television after 8pm
  3. Exercise everyday
  4. Eat better, at least one salad and one nutrition shake per day.
  5. Meditate everyday.
  6. No sugar.
  7. Finish the meditation, the exercise, the journal first thing in the morning.
  8. Look over my ToDo list before I go to bed.
  9. Write at least one blog post per week.
  10. Watch something in French once per week.
  11. Add gratitude into my journal.


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