Romance Weekly Blog BannerWelcome back to Romance Writers’ Weekly Blog Hop. This week, we’re looking at Great Beginnings – A great opening line draws the reader in, makes them want to know more and compels them to read further.

My philosophy is pretty simple – any day nobody’s trying to kill me to kill me is a good day in my book.Darkfever,  Karen Marie Moning

This is the first line of the fever series. The series sucked me in and wouldn’t let me go and the irony of the line is that the character you are introduced had never been exposed to mayhem and murder until later in the book. She starts out as a Southern belle shopaholic bartender who’s lives with her parents and doesn’t swear.  I love irony.




The first lines of my novel “Untrue Colors” have irony as well, but I can’t give away the story as to why!

Alex grieved as she looked toward the Louvre for possibly the last time. She had no choice but to leave Paris and the sublime treasures forming its artistic soul. Overhearing Luc’s plan to celebrate their four-month anniversary by murdering her set off her own plan of running as far away from him as possible.

Alex in Paris
Alex in Paris

“Untrue Colors” is arriving into the world on March 9th.  I can’t wait to share it.

I hope you came from Collette Cameron’s blog, If not- go back!!!
Jump on over to Kim Handysides’ blog,, to see her favorite blog.

12 thoughts on “Romance Writer’s Weekly: First Lines

  1. Vey nice, in both instances. I’ve never read KMM but this is the second time today I’ve heard about her series. I think there might even be one on my shelf. Going to check it out.

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