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I hope you popped over from Jo Richardson’s blog. She also created our flash fiction challenge with this picture.


Here’s my try…




He was there in front of her. Camouflage uniform, serious expression.

“I have to go.” His hand reached out to urge her closer.

She nodded. Every organ inside of her was jumbled and aching, especially her heart. She couldn’t speak. What could she say? Goodbye wasn’t an option.

She lost control when he stepped to her and kissed her lips. His kiss soothed the trembling of her mouth, his hand curved through her hair in a soft caress. It wasn’t enough. She wanted more.

There was no hurry in his movements, he simply held her close, tasting her, calming her, loving her. Her tears flowed down into the kiss, making the sweetness of his tongue turn salty and sad.

The calls and shouts of the people around them penetrated the moment, but she couldn’t lift her head from his. Perhaps if she didn’t let go, he could stay, and this moment would last forever.

His hands gripped her shoulders and squeezed. The pressure hurt, the pain forced her to lift to her eyes to his. Her hero, the man she’d committed her life to was crying. He must have seen her shock, because he wiped some of the tears streaming down his face and laughed.

“Is it harder to leave or remain behind?” he asked, his forehead leaning against the top of her head.

“It sucks either way.” She pressed her lips into his, and they kissed again, a harder, more intense kiss than before.

When he finally pulled apart, he clasped her face in both hands. His expression serious, his eyes still moist. “I love you, Kate. Take care of yourself.”

“You too.”

A final kiss, a tender squeeze, and he headed to the airplane and an unknown future.


Head on over to Leslie Hatcher and enjoy her flash fiction story!

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